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Preparation of Chado and Chabana event at Bellevue Botanical Garden / Bellevue Botanical Garden での茶道と茶花イベントの前日準備

Preparation of Chado demonstration, Teicha, and Chabana exhibition at Bellevue Botanical Garden

ベルビュー ボタニカルガーデンでの茶道デモンストレーションと呈茶、茶花の展示 前日準備


3 volunteers are needed for Chado demonstration and Chabana exhibition preparation

Lead: Keiko Tanaka, Masako Tsuoka, Mayumi Tripp

Confirmed Attendees

  • Akiko Suzuki
  • Naomi Matsuki
  • Sayaka Shigeta
  • Kazuya Mizuno



June 8, 2024    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Bookings closed


Bellevue Botanical Garden
12001 Main St,, Bellevue, WA, 98005
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Event Type


This event is fully booked.